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3DSurG 1.0.0

3DSurG 3DSurG 1.0.0

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3DSurG Publisher's Description

3DSurG can be used to create 3D surface based on either 3D implicit function ( f(x,y,z)=0 ) or parametric function ( x=f(u,v), y=f(u,v), z=f(u,v) ). The generated 3D surface can be easily scaled and exported to AutoCAD (*.DXF) and text file, or saved as various graphics data format such as Bitmap, JPG, and PNG. 3DSurG also provides rotation, pan, and zoom in/out to view generated model. The support OS is Windows XP/2000/98/NT and .Net framework 2.0 (above) should be installed

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Educational Software > Science Software
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